Try this delicious cocktail from Soi!
1.5oz Elijah Craig Small Batch
.5oz Dry Curaçao
.5oz Grapefruit Oleo Saccharum
.5oz Honey Syrup
.75oz Lemon Juice
2 dashes Bitters
3 drops 3:1 Saline Solution
Method: Shake / Double Strain
Glassware: Double Rocks w/ Hand Cut Ice
Garnish: Grapefruit Swath
*Grapefruit Oleo Saccharum - Set immersion circulator to 135 degrees Fahrenheit. Carefully peel grapefruit trying to avoid pith. Weigh grapefruit peel in grams and measure equal parts white sugar. Vacuum seal sugar and grapefruit peel together and cook in water bath for 2 hours - taking time to massage peels and sugar every 30 minutes to incorporate into syrup. Strain through chinois.
**Honey Syrup - Weigh 600g of honey and 300g of hot water. Stir together well until fully incorporated.